Dealing with Difficult People

Esta es la portada del audiolibro Dealing with Difficult People

Escrito por

Dianna Booher

Narrado por

Dianna Booher




31m 32s

(1 calificaciones)

You may call them "inhuman resources." They are difficult people. They are sneaky, backstabbing, sulking, sarcastic or indifferent. Dealing with them is a challenge and often leads to feelings of hopelessness and frustration.This audio program will identify different types of difficult people. Strategies for dealing with contentious tactics including manipulation, guilt, blame, sabotage, bullying, lying, refusal to engage and others. Tactics for disarming games and maintaining sanity will be emphasized.Topics covered include:What is the payoff for being difficult?The targets for change: other, system and selfAiding and abetting: contributing to the success of the difficult personAssertive persistence: disarming gamesNice people make me nervous: what's really behind that smileHow to take care of yourself when dealing with difficult peopleStanding your groundMoving through unfinished business

Idioma: Inglés

Duración: 31m 32s

Publicado por Made for Success