Escrito por Innovative Language Learning
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3h 03m 35s
(1 calificaciones)
Do you want to learn English for work? Or do you want to work for an English-speaking company? If so, then you’ll love The Ultimate Guide to Speaking Business English for Beginners (Deluxe Edition). With this Audiobook, you learn how to speak business-level English and improve your communication skills. You learn how to introduce yourself politely. How to make calls. The phrases to use with clients. Even how to make after-work plans with your coworkers. You will learn all of this. Length of Audiobook: • 28 English Audio Lessons in Total • 2.5+ Hours in Total • 167 Page eBook so you can read along Each Lesson Gives You: • A Business-Level Conversation • Explanations from Teachers Examples of Lessons Inside: • Introducing Yourself in an American Business Meeting • Catching Up with an American Coworker • Going Out to Meet With a Client in the United States • And much more! Includes 3 Bonus Audio Lessons: Want to learn more work-related English? Good! This Audiobook also comes with 3 bonus lessons — Job/Work, Meetings & Workplace Vocabulary — to get you speaking more English. Download the PDF and read along
Idioma: Inglés
Duración: 3h 03m 35s
Publicado por Innovative Language Learning