
Esta es la portada del audiolibro Autism-Uncensored

Escrito por

Whitney Ellenby

Narrado por

Whitney Ellenby




10h 24m 08s

(0 calificaciones)

Autism Uncensored goes where no other book dares—revealing the private disgrace and self-blame about having a “defective” child; the near disintegration of marriage; the failure of the traditional behavioral interventions; and the mercenary way in which service providers prey on parents’ desperation for a cure. It is a personal manifesto about how a socially integrated life is attainable regardless of whether a child overcomes the major limitations of Autism, sparking a new conversation which goes beyond simply accepting persons with Autism for who they are, but considers pushing them beyond their comfort zones to learn who they are capable of becoming. An unstoppable ride with jolting twists and turns, Autism Uncensored will leave you exhilarated, informed and still gasping for air.

Idioma: Inglés

Duración: 10h 24m 08s

Publicado por Author's Republic

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