Becoming a Leader of Impact

Esta es la portada del audiolibro Becoming a Leader of Impact

Escrito por

Braden Douglas

Narrado por

Tristan Wright




4h 56m 30s

(0 calificaciones)

Making an impact is essential for leaders who want to create positive change and leave a legacy—a trendy thing to say, but a hard tenet to live by.LeaderImpact, a movement of professionals dedicated to inspiring one another in this quest, has worked with leaders, entrepreneurs, and CEOs for decades to facilitate life-changing results. Now Braden Douglas discusses their philosophy for success in Becoming a Leader of Impact. Filled with real-world examples and engaging stories, this guidebook will inspire you toward impactful change in all areas of your life, from the personal and professional, to even the spiritual. The world needs leaders, like you, to step up and leave a legacy. Your impact starts here.

Idioma: Inglés

Duración: 4h 56m 30s

Publicado por LeaderImpact Publishing

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