Escrito por
Ken Turner Brandon McElroy
Narrado por
Bruce Enrietto
3h 05m 45s
(2 calificaciones)
It is common knowledge that investing in rental properties is one of the fastest and most secure ways to build wealth. The knowledge is not as common. The steps for buying rentals are not that different from the purchase of a house to live in. There are just a few differences. Let's take this step by step into how to invest in a rental property and start your real estate investment. You have to do some homework before buying it. You absolutely cannot skip this step. Once you have made the decision to buy a rental property, it is relatively easy to look for homes and start picking out paint colors. The first step will begin long before you ever step inside a house. Doing homework before time will mean researching:• You need to know what type of property you would want.• What kind of budget do you have?• Where do you want your investment to be located?• What are the risks? And so on…Doing homework is rather difficult for one reason: You might not know the correct questions to ask. With this investment, you could get started by having a personal property. This means, that you would first live in it and when you decide to move out you could rent it out. You could just buy a rental property, and you would have a rental from the first day. If you are a local investor, you can check on your property if there was an emergency. It will also be easier to manage the property yourself.If you’re ready to stop spinning your wheels, work less, make more money, and reinvent life for yourself as a rich person with plenty of time for yourself, then you need to scroll back up to the top and buy this book now!
Idioma: Inglés
Duración: 3h 05m 45s
Publicado por Author's Republic
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