Unshakeable by Anthony Robbins - Book Summary

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Dean Bokhari FlashBooks

Narrado por

Dean Bokhari




32m 35s

(3 calificaciones)

Book Summary of Unshakeable: Your Financial Freedom Playbook by Tony RobbinsAbout | Unshakeable by Tony Robbins This book is designed to equip you with a faster, more effective path towards achieving your long-term financial goals. In the book, Tony Robbins shares the insider-insights and knowledge you’ll need in order to invest your way to financial freedom. Backed by prominent figures in the financial markets, he gives credible advice on what to do in certain market scenarios.Tony gives great insight into how to invest wisely, to trust a bull-ish market when the natural caution in us tells us to be bear-ish, and gives some general rules to follow to avoid costly mistakes.One of the key strategies Tony really hammers home throughout the book, is that index funds are the most cost-effective method of making long-term gains. He also presents the message that you can balance making money to look after yourself and your family, with getting a real sense of joy from helping others in need as well. In Tony’s own words, “Commerce and philanthropy are not polar opposites. They are two sides of the same coin.”Here’s what you’ll learn about in this summary:- The best way to invest in order to reach financial freedom.- How Tony views the world of investments and how he achieves success.- Money is not the only wealth that matters in life.- And much, much more...

Idioma: Inglés

Duración: 32m 35s

Publicado por Flashbooks

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