World of Perception, The

Esta es la portada del audiolibro World of Perception, The

Escrito por

Maurice Merleau-Ponty Thomas Baldwin Stéphanie Ménasé

Narrado por

Stephen Perring




2h 09m 03s

(0 calificaciones)

Published in a paperback English translation for the first time in the Routledge Classics seriesAvailable in time for the 100th anniversary of Merleau-Ponty's birth in March 2008Merleau-Ponty is one of the series' top 10 best-selling authors, having sold an astonishing 26,000 copies of The Phenomenology of Perception

Idioma: Inglés

Duración: 2h 09m 03s

Publicado por Taylor & Francis

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